Opäť na intráku ,
opäť sama a tak využívam čas k pridaniu nového príspevku ! :) Tentokrát to ale nebudú fotky ani outfity
aj keď som bola na nákupoch a je čo fotiť, ale krátke video, ktoré som natočila len pre vás. Začalo to tak že mi sestra kúpila umelé mihalnice a chcela som ich odskúšať. Lenže to som ešte nevedela ako to dopadne. Lepidlo mi po otvorení vytieklo ( moja zručnosť klasicky) a tak som si zlepila svoje mihalnice
takže do večera som videla rozmazane . :D A kedže mi bolo hlúpe fotiť si len mihalnice spravila som vám krátke video
ktoré mi prinesie hanbu aby ste vedeli o čom tu vlastne píšem. -_- Tak tu to je :
Again I was in college,
single again and so I use the time to add a new comment! :) But this time it will not be photos or outfits
even when I was out shopping and what to photograph, but a short video that I recorded just for you. It started so that my sister bought false eyelashes and I wanted to test them. But that I still did not know how it turns out. I glue spilled after opening (my skill classically) so I bond the my eyelashes
so in the evening I saw a blur. : D And because I did not want to take pictures of eyelashes, I have a short video that will bring shame to me that you know what you're actually writing. -_- So here it is: